“If I just keep looking cute, they’ll surely blame the dog.” 25) I think this would qualify as grumpy cat memes. “I have to run as fast as I can to a randomly selected other room.” 24) “One direction. Straight to hell, I hope.” 23) “Evry dayz, 3 o clockz…Mebe one day I sez meow to her.” 22) More grumpy cat memes. “They steal his poop too? This is becoming an epidemic.” 19) They’ll blame the dog.” 17) Grumpy cat memes are a man’s best friend! Just get me the super glue dissolver.” 16) Sneaky cat memes. Start sleep cycle.” 13) Don’t you just love cute cat memes? “Oh hey, I ran ’em thru the scratchy tongue cycle. “For the love of god! Feed the damn cat!” 10) “I need a new minion…dis one is broken.” 9) Funny cat memes for pet owners. “Here’s 10 bucks, go buy something that comes in a box.” 8) “Like a boss.” 7) Gotta love funny cat memes! “Don’t sit on his lap now Carl, wait until he is wearing all black.” 6) “I hate that part of the morning where I have to get out of bed.” 5) Relatable cat memes. “It took Ralph six minutes to realize the balloon wasn’t going to come back.” 4) Cat memes make me realize cats love sleeping in too!

“Pull cord to begin apocalypse.” 3) Cat memes like this one are hysterical! For that reason, we’re sure you’ll enjoy these 55 funny feline memes. The internet loves cats whether they’re grumpy, happy, sad, or just moments from creating mischief. Let’s face it, cats are the unofficial mascots of the internet. Just like watching funny cat videos, cat memes featuring our favorite felines are just as hilarious. While nobody really knows what the first meme was, it’s not hard to fathom that it might have been a cat meme.